During the DanceStar season 2016 an interesting idea came to our mind: let's unite, judges, dancers of all disciplines, video makers, musicians and let's show what we can do, let's do a video project. And obviously - let's have fun while we do it!
One of the main goals of DanceStar has always been to give as much opportunities to dancers to grow and to promote themselves. That's why, for example, every year during World Finals we organize workshops with world renown names. But we wanted to give more and so the idea of a video project came to mind: we wanted to explore what creative, incredibly talented people from all around the world in one place for a week could do.
For those who participated this was a once in a lifetime experience: they had the opportunity to work with some of the greatest choreographers out there, they created a little family of their own, found new friends and got promoted worldwide on our extensive web of followers.
DanceStar 2017 brought us a fantastic project: Matic Zadravec was the main choreographer while Matt Padilla, AC Lalata and Roy Douan performed in the video along with 34 other dancers that came from all over the world and were competing in various disciplines. Moses Concas was the author of the music and Nikola Janušić did the filming and editing of the video.
See for yourself ☺