Marijan Sivoš was born on April 15th 1959 in Zagreb. After he finished elementary school, he enrolled into Middle music school “Vatroslav Lisinksi”. He finished it with honours and was the best pupil in his class.
In the 1980 he started studying History and Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts in Zagreb.
In 1984 he started teaching music in various elementary schools in Zagreb. In 1985 he started studying music at the Music Academy in Zagreb. He graduated from conducting in 1989.
In the Fall of 1988 he was one of the funders and the first conductor at the Academic choir and orchestra „Cantores St. Marci“. By the end of 1989 he stops working with them and in the 1990 he starts collaborating with „Ivan pl. Zajc“choir and their conductor Zlatan Sindičić and with Zagreb chamber orchestra. At the same time, he started working as the Music Culture executive for the Croatian Parliament and teaches guitar at Zlatko Baloković Elementary School.
In 1990 he starts working in the Sveta Nedelja Elementary School and soon after that at the Stenjeve Elementary School. By 1993 he switches to the School for Classical Ballet at the Ilirski square in Zagreb, where he works until this day.
Beside working as the accompanist for the classical ballet and other dance classes (historical dances, character dances,) he teaches History of dance and music.
Since 1995 he works as the accompanist for the Ballet of Croatian National Theatre Zagreb. Through this collaboration he got a chance to work with numerous renown ballet teachers in Zagreb and in Summer Ballet Schools. In the summer of 2012 he started working as the accompanist for Croatian National Theatre Split.